Black Country Living Museum

RSC Chem@Work

Black Country Living Museum

6 Nov 2019 – SEND Day

7 Nov 2019 – KS2 Day

8 Nov 2019 – KS3/4 Day

09.00 – 16.00

Volunteers required for 30 min workshops
and assist with Demonstration Lecture

National Space Centre

RSC Chem@Work

National Space Centre, Leicester

TBD Nov 2019

09.00 – 16.00

Volunteers required for 30 min workshops
and assist with Demonstration Lecture


WMCTC Chemistry Quiz

Regional Final

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

18.00 – 21.00

Regional school teams will be competing here!

Volunteers required to:
help judge, arrange refreshments and escort schools around campus etc.

Excellent opportunity to network
with teachers and RSC Members

Opportunities for staff, PostGrads and UnderGrads!

Salters’ Festivals

31st March 2020

1st  April 2020

09.00 – 16.00

Teams from 16 schools each day will be competing here!

Volunteers required to:
help judge, arrange refreshments and escort schools around campus etc.

Excellent opportunity to network
with teachers and RSC Members

Opportunities for staff, PostGrads and UnderGrads!


RSC Top of the Bench

Regional Final

Saturday 18th January 2020

09.00 – 16.00

7 Regional school teams will be competing here!

Volunteers required to:
help judge, arrange refreshments and escort schools around campus etc.

Excellent opportunity to network
with teachers and RSC Members

Opportunities for staff, PostGrads and UnderGrads!

UoB School of Chemistry

Spectroscopy Masterclass

University of Birmingham

School of Chemistry

TBD Nov 2019

13.00 – 15.00

Volunteers required for workshop and assist with running the portable FTIR.

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